The SAP University Alliance Program provides a unique set of tools
and community to realize the IME's vision and advance
the IME's mission. IME, with the vision of SAP alliance
program at SU will provide students, researchers and
practioners extensive resoureces such as latest SAP R/3 software,
lab,faculty and well disigned curriculums.
The vision statement(from central michigan):
- To give our graduates a better understanding of how technology-enabled
companies use information in conducting business.
- To use SAP software technology to help teach business concepts.
- To provide students with a more global integrated knowledge
of business operations as a total entity.
- To integrate business concepts and theories with business applications.
- To enhance knowledge, skills, and abilities of students and
champion competencies in the integration of business functions.
- To cultivate visionary, creative thinking and learning for
efficiency, quality, and responsiveness to customers around
the globe.
The SAP alliance program at Syracuse University has completed Phase
1 (2000-2002). The success of Phase 1 produced five graduate
level courses with significant SAP contents. These five courses
are either core course or popular elective course for three
graduate programs in the IME: (i) M.S. in Manufacturing Engineering,
(ii) M.S. in Engineering Management (on-campus version), and
(iii) M.S. in Engineering Management (distance-learning version).
The SAP alliance program at Syracuse University is entering Phase
2 (2002-2003) with objectives of (i) developing an “e-Manufacturing”
concentration in the Manufacturing Engineering program and
(ii) expanding into the undergraduate and MBA programs at
the School of Management.
The success of Phase 2 will lead to Phase 3 (2003- ) that has plans
to involve more schools and colleges at Syracuse University and
institutions outside of Syracuse University and industry involvement.
With preliminary and growing interest already expressed from these
units, Phase 3 will result in more comprehensive and innovative
educational and research programs as envisioned in the IME.